Friday, September 3, 2010

Challenge Number 3

WOW! It has been a truly busy week! I have had so much work in my office and no time for me and myself even in the weekend (I'm even writing this post at the office!). We have this massive project and all developers must come down and help. Yikes! We're all on a standby mode now!

OK, so I ALMOST missed Challenge 3! But luckily I didn't. This time we had to scrap something inanimate. Hard! I have never done that ever! So I was a little confused to find an object and I had two choices which was my favourite froyo or my name and Seoul in the sand. I chose the second, as I really adore that picture.

A little background about the photo, Seoul took it while we were on hols in Bali. I didn't know he was writing it in the sand, I think I was busy doing something else haha. I LOVE the photo...thank you darling for taking it!

So here's my layout:

And the winner of this challenge can be found here: If The Shoes Fits.... Really pretty photos and gorgeous shoes!

This challenge has gotten me all excited every week, and another good thing is that it makes me update my blog even more! Great!!
Can't wait for the fourth challenge! Yiippeee! Here I come!