Sunday, April 6, 2008

Best Friend

This one is a picture of me and Herlin. We've known each other since my semester here in UKDW. Actually I've seen her before going to uni. We met at my church's camp, she was soooo scary and when I talked to her she was really quiet! At that time I thought "I'm so glad I don't have a friend like that! Wish I never see her again!"
But guess what? At our uni orientation I was shocked to find her in the same faculty as me! OMG! She was also in most of my classes! At first I didn't dare talk to her, but we became friends at the end of semester 1. Now we've been friends for almost 3 years and we've gone through sooo much! I remember a time when I got mad at Herlin cos my USB was in one of the lab's computer and was in a process of copying some data, and innocently she unplugged it! All of my data got ERASED!!! I was sooooo mad, I didn't speak to her for the entire lesson. She also got totally pissed on time when we were teaching a class together on Introduction to Multimedia. She was explaining something and I cut her in. I could see it in her face that she was annoyed! But we never stayed mad for longer than a day! It's just so funny to see that!


Linz said...

wah jeng, punya lu dah nambah, gw lom ngepost lg..