Sunday, April 6, 2008


We love going to the karaoke. We go there at least once a month. There's not much going on here in Yogyakarta and karaoke-ing is definitely the best way to spend time with your friends. Also it's good way to see which friends are good singers (and which aren't) hahaha! Our favourite song (our MUST song too) is The Prayer. We get to show off our high voices which sometimes is very false and weird!
The people which I think have the best voice is ArD, Naga, Ino and Lea. I'm guessing they've had way more practice than the others. It's been a while since our last karaoke trip so we might have to do it anytime soon.....It might be just the right cure for those who are stressed-out with last minute works!
This picture is taken at the Happy Puppy Karaoke. Very nice place! Love it love it! This one we took just before we went home and I added some funny brushes...cute!