Monday, June 1, 2009

Happy Hour

16th January 2009 is definitely a day to remember. It was the day when me, Gina and Linz did our dissertation exam and we passed it really well. It was such a tense day. I remember how we were all scared and sat down in front of the faculty waiting to be called in the chamber of torture. Lisa came as well to support us, and as I recall she ate my snack...hahaha!

I had such a headache afterwards, I guess it was a mixture of happiness, relieved, and remains of my stress in the room. You could just feel the tension in our faces. Even Linz, who is probably the calmest of us all, were pale as sheet and you could see the fear in her eyes.

Anyways we did well, and the next day we waited for our results..It took soooo long, we got totally bored and started taking silly pictures of us three. We didn't even get the result till the next day! Who knew taking care of administration work could be so annoying and boring. We also waited for our dean to sign our dissertation, and we were all sitting down in front of his office. Hahaha...that was a moment to remember, I mean you don't get this kind of friends and experience twice in a lifetime so enjoy what you have now! And for you reading this who is still in uni, enjoy your uni life! Work is nothing like it!!

Scrapbook Kit : A Little Sassy by "Random Musings of a Scrapaholic"
Photographer : Mey2 & Seoul